Information about original Styrian pumpkin seed oil and pumpkin seeds
- Introduction of the manufacturer Kürbishof DEIMEL Styria/Austria
- Simple recipes for popular dishes
- Natural remedy, daily dose and ingredients
- Manufacturing, minimum self life and general information
- Quality criteria and guarantees of origin
Introduction of the manufacturer Kürbishof DEIMEL Styria/Austria
Kürbishof DEIMEL (Deimel´s pumpkin farm) is located in the fertile hills of East Styria. We specialise in growing pumpkin seeds to produce premium quality pumpkin seed oil.

Our award-winning original Styrian pumpkin seed oil (PGI) is valued for its delightful flavour and intrinsic health benefits. You can order it directly via the internet for delivery worldwide.

Pictured above is proprietor Toni Deimel with awards from Gault&Millau Austria, Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil Championship, and the Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil Award. Toni Deimel is the founder and owner of Kürbishof DEIMEL in Styria/Austria.
  Our products are certified genuine

Our pumpkin seed oil is produced 100% from pumpkin seeds from the protected geographical cultivation area. Our entire production process is based in Styria, in harmony with its people and nature.
  C02 -neutral production of sustainable products

We reduce C02 from the field to the customer, compensating any unavoidable C02 by regional reforestation. Find out more at
  Certified organic producer

Kürbishof DEIMEL is a certified producer of organic pumpkin seed oil from regional Styrian PGI organic pumpkin seeds.

Simple recipes for popular dishes
Pumpkin seed oil is used cold as a dressing for salads and to delicately elevate warm dishes such as cream of pumpkin soup. It is not suitable for frying.

Pumpkin seed oil dressing
Ingredients: 5 tbsp. Styrian pumpkin seed oil, 2 1/2 tbsp. cider vinegar, salt, finely ground pepper. Preparation: Mix the oil well with the vinegar, salt, and pepper until the salt has dissolved. This dressing goes particularly well with Chinese cabbage, potato salad, lamb's lettuce, coleslaw, tomato and bean salad, tomato mozzarella salad, or feta cheese.

Potato salad
Ingredients: Boiled potatoes, onions, salt, pepper, cider vinegar, pumpkin seed oil. Preparation: Cut the freshly cooked potatoes into slices. Chop the onions and mix them with the vinegar, salt, pepper, and pumpkin seed oil. Marinate the potatoes in this mixture while they are still warm.

Sliced cold beef or sausage salad
Ingredients: Cooked lean beef, salt, pepper, 2 onions, pumpkin seed oil, wine vinegar. Preparation: Cut beef into very thin strips and place on a plate. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and chopped onions. Pour over pumpkin seed oil and wine vinegar. Strips of cold sausage can also be used instead of beef.

Styrian-style scrambled eggs
Ingredients: Eggs, salt, pumpkin seed oil Preparation: Fry the beaten, salted egg in a pan with gently heated pumpkin seed oil. Caution: Do not heat the oil too much!

Use pure pumpkin seed oil to elevate:
- Vegetable soups, for example, cream of pumpkin
- Noodles and pasta instead of butter or a sauce
- Vanilla ice cream and egg liqueur (drizzled over)

Natural remedy, daily dose and ingredients

At 80%, pumpkin seed oil has one of the highest proportions of unsaturated fatty acids of any vegetable oil.

Around 60% of this is polyunsaturated linoleic acid, a source of ω-6 and ω-3. Its extraordinarily high antioxidant capacity counteracts cell ageing caused by free radicals and plays an important role in protecting against cardiovascular diseases. Of all vegetable oils, pumpkin seed oil has the highest vitamin E content. Other active ingredients include selenium, zinc, phytosterols and secondary plant compounds.

Prostate: Active substances in pumpkin seeds normalise and strengthen bladder muscles and have a positive influence on preventing benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) in the first and second stages.

Irritable bladder: Symptoms suffered particularly by many women in the perimenopause and beyond, can be soothed by the active ingredients in pumpkin seed oil.

Spermidine as an anti-ageing food: Styrian pumpkin seeds are a very good source of spermidine for cell cleansing.

Daily dose for use as a natural remedy: One to two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds or one tablespoon of pumpkin seed oil daily. This dose is suitable for permanent use.

Important ingredients of oil pumpkin seeds:

- Oil 35-55%, of which:
20-30% monounsaturated oleic acid
45-65% polyunsaturated linoleic acid (ω-6, ω-3)
10-15% palmitic acid, 5% stearic acid
- Protein 30-40%, carbohydrates 4-8%, dietary fibre 2-4%
- Minerals and trace elements 4-5%: Chlorine, iron, fluorine, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, sodium,
phosphorus, selenium, sulphur, zinc
- Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, K
30 mg vitamin E (β- and γ-tocopherols) per 100g pumpkin seeds
- Phytosterols e.g. delta 7-sterols
-Rare amino acids such as citrulline, cucurbitacin and squalene
- Natural colourings such as chlorophyll and protochlorophyll
- Spermidine approx. 10.4 mg/100g (10 g seeds recom. daily dose)
Manufacturing, minimum self life and general information
We produce single-pressed pumpkin seed oil in awardwinning quality from 100% Styrian pumpkin seeds (PGI guaranteed). It is valued for its exceptionally delicate aroma and naturally occurring health benefits.

The nutty aroma of Styrian pumpkin seed oil unfolds when the seeds are roasted before pressing. This involves gently heating the seed mass to 60 - 70 °C without destroying valuable nutrients. It takes about 2.5kg of dried seeds from a total of 30 pumpkins to produce one litre of pumpkin seed oil.

We sow the pumpkin seeds at the beginning of May and begin harvesting in October. Only the seeds are used for oil; the flesh of the pumpkins is left in the field as fertiliser.

Unlike many other pumpkins, the Styrian oil pumpkin has shell-less seeds. The outer coating of the seeds contain chlorophyll and carotene which give the oil its distinctive dark green colour.

Always use the oil cold to preserve its valuable nutrients. Do not leave dressed salads in the sun for too long as sunlight quickly turns the oil bitter.

Minimum self life
If stored in a cool, dark place (below 20 °C), the oil will keep for at least 12 months without any loss of quality. You can also store and use the oil for longer. However, its delicate, nutty flavour will begin to deteriorate after this time. You can recognise spoiled pumpkin seed oil by its smell and taste. It becomes rancid and should no longer be used.

Once opened, if you plan to use the whole bottle within three to four months, there is no need to keep it in the fridge. Do not freeze pumpkin seed oil as it can form clumps and will not become a smooth liquid again.

If you get a stain on your clothes from pumpkin seed oil, wash the garment and let it dry in the sun. The UV light from the sun will remove the stains.
Quality criteria and guarantees of origin
How to recognise good quality

Good pumpkin seed oil has an aromatically nutty fragrance. Its delicate flavour and aroma come from pumpkin seeds that have been gently roasted. The colour is dark green with light reddish tones and the consistency of the oil is smooth rather than oily. To make pumpkin seed oil that tastes this good, you need top quality, fully ripened pumpkin seeds, harvested at the perfect time and processed with great care. It takes a wealth of knowledge and experience to gently press the seeds to make premium quality pumpkin seed oil.

The annual Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil Awards determine the best producers of Styrian pumpkin seed oil. Producers are judged on a number of criteria: The oil must come from a first pressing; it has to achieve perfect results from an analysis of the ingredients; and, of course, the jury has to be convinced that it tastes delicious! Only bottles with the official PGI seal contain original Styrian pumpkin seed oil from the protected geographical location (PGI).

We look forward to hearing from you!

Online Shop:

Kürbishof DEIMEL Steiermark/Austria
Proprietor Toni Deimel
Schweinz 48 A-8312 Riegersburg
Mobile phone: +43 664 255 3060

Kürbishof DEIMEL Shipping Germany / International
Proprietor Toni Deimel
St.-Wolfgang-Str. 28
D-69231 Rauenberg
Phone: +49 (0)7253 26906